Vision Driven | Data Derived

Report writing, data analysis, system development, systems change, trainings, high-level research and consulting support staff are all examples of how Innovative Research and Analysis helps clients. We provide an array of services that focus on model efficiency, framework development, program evaluation, and technical deliverables such as automation and sustainable systems design based on client needs. Additionally, we provide technical and professional writing support that includes customized graphics, data analysis, research, outcome evaluation and authoring reports. The Innovative Research and Analysis consulting mission is to promote clients’ vision for their road ahead. We bring program evaluation and analysis components into the project planning process to improve implementation, design, and assessment. Our goal is to provide clients the opportunity to collect robust and reliable data for reporting, strategizing, and planning that is aligned with their vision.


Founded on the principle, “Vision Driven, Data Derived” Innovative Research and Analysis LLC works to promote visionary thinking with high quality data support. Innovative Research and Analysis is co-owned by Dr. Justin S Gardner, PhD, Founder & CEO, and Ms. Ashley Gardner who is the Chief Branding Officer and Co-Owner. Ms. Gardner brings more than a decade of experience in journalism, public relations, and adjuncting at the collegiate level. She has reported for various news stations around the country with content related to government and statewide topics, consumer interest, and general assignment reporting. Dr. Gardner is a methodologist by trade and a patented inventor with more than decade of experience at the Federal and state level as both an employee and consultant.


With experience in both program management and process development, we structure projects in a client focused customization method, in which clients are encouraged to dream big. Our method places specific emphasis on producing deliverables that address the current project with a forward thinking, end-in-mind vision that can be presented in different mediums.

Client Focused Research and Analysis

Our goal is to provide client focused research and analysis with customized services to fit both project and scope. Services include:

  • Public policy research and analysis
  • Strategic planning and group facilitation
  • Focus group facilitation and analysis
  • Private and public, including Federal, grant development and writing
  • Large scale policy initiative design, implementation and management
  • Policy, program and project evaluation, bench-marking, and metrics
  • Market analysis, Needs assessments, Gap-Fit analysis, SWOT analysis
  • Collateral development and graphic design
  • Project and program management
  • Data analysis and management
  • Database design, implementation and management
  • Survey development, design and analysis
  • Statistical analysis, including spatial analysis, data modeling, and mixed methods
  • Process development and database automation design, implementation and management